What is NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover Mission 2020?

Hello Folks, Welcome to Engineer Manish Website.

Over the past two decades, four rovers – Sojourn, Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity have explored the Martian Land and revealed the secrets of the Red Planet’s Ancient Past.

The Curiosity Rover discovered that its landing site GALE CRATER, hosted a lake billions of years ago in an environment that could have supported microbial life.

Now, Perseverance – NASA’s next Mars Rover will take the next step to explore Mars with its advance technology equipment’s.

So, have you ever got curious about this Perseverance Rover Mars Mission 2020?

Let’s end this curiosity!

Perseverance is NASA’s next Rover. It has an ambitious mission which will launch on 30th July 2020 and after travelling approx 7 months, it will land on Mars on 18th Feb 2021.

It was scheduled to launch before 30th July, but due to COVID-19 Pandemic, the launch was postponed.

So, what will Perseverance do on Mars? Here are top 3 things you should know about Perseverance Rover.

1. Sample Collection & Possible Return to Earth in Future Missions

From the decades of Mars Missions, it has been discovered that the Red planet had water in it in ancient past. So, as water was present in past, then there could have been life existed during its ancient past?

To answer this question, the Perseverance Rover will drill the surface of mars, collect samples and prepare them for a Future Mission to pick them up and bring them back to Earth. This is something that haven’t been done before.

Below is the demonstration of the same:

2. Paving the way for Human Missions to Mars

Mar’s atmosphere consists of CO2. The Rover with its advance MOXIE Technology will produce oxygen from the Martian carbon-dioxide.

This will demonstrate a way that how future explorers might produce oxygen for rocket propellant as well as for breathing.

3. Mars Helicopter

The Mars Helicopter will be an experiment to test powered flight on another world for the first time. It will land on Mars along with Rover and will be controlled by Rover itself as it is not possible to control the Mars Helicopter from Earth.

Below is the demonstration of the same:

If this experiment will be successful, then this will pave the way for more drone mission to Mars.

But Manish, do you have any idea about when we will be visiting Mars in Future?

I think, that day will come soon 🙂

But, we can virtually go to Mars by sending our name to Mars.
PS: Here are my Boarding Pass.

Source: NASA

Yes, you can send your name on mars from NASA’s Mars Website. The Rover will be carrying three silicon chips with around 11 million names on it.

Although, the registration has been closed for this mission. I have registered for this Mission around one year ago, that’t why I got this boarding pass around a month ago. But, now you can get yourself registered for next Mars Missions.

Thank You!

See you in the next post. Until then, Take Care and Good Bye!

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