4 Tips To Boost your Smartphone Performance

Hello Folks, Welcome to Engineer Manish!

We are in the modern era of technology. We all use smartphones and we all have experienced the lag in our smartphones.

Smartphones run on different cored chip sets and the higher the number of cores, the better will be the performance.

To get the best out of your phone, here are 4 quick tips to boost the performance of your smartphones.

1. Avoid using Widgets and Live Wallpapers.

Use of widgets and live wallpapers consumes decent amount of RAM.

If your smartphone is lagging, then avoid using widgets and live wallpapers.

2. Use Lite Apps

If you are using a cell that is more than a year old, the you should use the lite version of heavy apps.

There are lite versions of most of the apps which we require in our daily life.

3. Disable UI Animations

The UI animations after every click, apps entry and exit animations also consumes RAM.

So, disabling UI animations can boost your cells performance too.

4. Update your Apps Regularly

It is always a good habit to update your apps and your operating system(Android or iOS) regularly or whenever the update arrives.

Sometimes, using the older version of the apps causes the apps to lag or cause crashes. To avoid that keep your apps and android up to date.

Thank You!

See you in the next post. Until then, Take Care and Good Bye!

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