How can India manufacture ‘Made In India’ smartphone?

Hello Folks, Welcome to Engineer Manish Website.

Majority of us think that India don’t have the resources, technology and money to manufacture smartphones in India.

But, have you ever got curious about the real truth behind this?

Let’s end this curiosity!

In the last decade, even a single smartphone was not manufactured in India. The smartphones were imported, mostly from China.

The brands such as Micromax, Intex and all just put their branding and sells the unit in Indian Markets.

Now, as the demand for the smartphone got increased, the other brands begin manufacturing their smartphones in India.

Consequently, the price of smartphone reduced as the brands get rid of duty taxes. So, Nowadays, majority of smartphones are at least getting assembled in India.

If you pick up any smartphone, you will see that brand tries to convey that it’s Made in India. But, what’s the truth behind this?

This Made in India indicator is very tricky. If a smartphone is manufactured in India, then it should be called as ‘Made In India‘ smartphone.
But even if a smartphone is assembled in India, the brand still convey that it’s ‘Made in India‘ smartphone.

Due to this, we are unable to decide if the smartphone is actually ‘Made in India’!

Currently, almost 50-60% of the parts of a smartphones are manufactured in India. Memory Inlets, Display Units, Outer Packaging, Charger & cables are getting manufactured in India.

Samsung is manufacturing huge numbers of smartphones in India. Micromax, Lava, Karbonn will also start manufacturing till some extent due to ‘Made In India’ wave.

The most amazing fact is that the world’s largest smartphone manufacturing company was in India(Samsung in Noida) till April 2020.

Now, even Reliance JIO is planning to manufacture ‘Made In India’ 5G Smartphones once the 5G spectrum is avaliable.

But Manish, the most important part of a smartphone is it’s processor. Do India have any processing unit to build processors?

That’t were India lags in Smartphone market. But the good news is that India is working on this area too. India do have its own processing unit(IIT Madras). That’s were India’s first processor Shakti was developed. But that’s too slow as compared to other processors.

ISRO, Qualcomm, Samsung or JIO can acquire them and can start their processing units in India.

So, this is how India can make ‘Made In India’ Smartphone.

The country that can make rockets to reach Mars and Moon, then manufacturing smartphone shouldn’t be a big deal for India.
So, we shouldn’t be surprised if India begin to manufacture almost 100% of smartphone components in India in coming 2-3 years.


See you in the next post. Until then, Take Care and Good Bye!

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