What is NFT?

Hello Folks, Welcome to Engineer Manish Website!

We all might have heard about NFT, its trend, its buzz. But, still we are not able to understand this term properly. Let’s understand this term.

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NFT is Non-Fungible Token, it can help us to save virtual property such as games, songs, gifs and videos, etc.

It works on blockchain and you will get payments in Ethereum when you sell something on NFT. You will be the owner of the content.

Let’s understand this with an example:

Suppose, today is your birthday. (Happy Birthday 🙂 ).
Your mother made a cake for you. As per the trend, before cutting the cake you took the picture of your cake and posted it on social media and it got viral.

Suppose, you have done NFT of your cake. Now, all world knows that you are the owner of this cake pic. As it got viral, it would have gained some market value. Now, you can sell this NFT at your own good amount. Now, this pic become your digital asset.

But Manish, how to make NFT of my content?

There are several NFT marketplace. You can visit the marketplace and make your own NFT. Below are the top 3 marketplace.

1. Opensea

2. Rarible

3. Axiemarketplace

That’s It 🙂

Thank You!

See you in the next post. Until then, Take Care and Good Bye!

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